20 Jahre MEDEA e.V.
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MEDEA zur Schule
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20 Jahre MEDEA e.V.
Eigenversorgung durch den Schulgarten
Selbstversorgung durch eigenen Gartenanbau
20 Jahre MEDEA e.V.
Fairer Handel für Nachhaltige Verbesserung der Lebenssituation
Einfach fair handeln.
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Besides our commitment at the upper end of the education line, we are equally committed at the lower end. We are in the process of preparing to establish a kindergarten (preschool) on a piece of land between the two schools. Once again it was the strong Swazi women who signalled to us that a preschool was needed.

As so often, it was then: asked – agreed – done. Due to MEDEA’s long-standing presence in the community of Maduma, the Swazis have developed a great trust in our organisation. The people know that they can rely on MEDEA, and vice versa, MEDEA can also rely on the local people. So also, in the case of the planned preschool Jabulu & Mfansile (2 Swazi Boys from the community), who have been working for MEDEA for years, are taking over the construction of the two rooms and the latrines for the kindergarten project.

There is already a request for the first 20 children. It is planned to hire two teachers who will be financed by the parents of the children. So, MEDEA “only" takes over the construction costs as well as the financing of equipment, furniture, and playground equipment; beyond that, the community is responsible for ensuring that the kindergarten “runs". This is further proof that MEDEA and the Swazis always deal and negotiate with each other respectfully and at eye level. This relationship of trust alone is worth all the strength, energy, and patience.