20 Jahre MEDEA e.V.
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20 Jahre MEDEA e.V.
Eigenversorgung durch den Schulgarten
Selbstversorgung durch eigenen Gartenanbau
20 Jahre MEDEA e.V.
Fairer Handel für Nachhaltige Verbesserung der Lebenssituation
Einfach fair handeln.
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In no way should we be influenced to silence the voice of humanity that resides within us.

Albert Schweitzer


MEDEA – The idea

The Organisation took its name from Medea, a heroine of Greek mythology, who was strong, self-assured and well-versed in the art of healing.

MEDEA e.V. was founded in 2002 by Gertrud Langensiepen with the aim of providing a permanently based medical development project for children in Africa. Natural catastrophes, wars and the pandemic HIV/AIDS destroy, often over more generations, human fundamentals. Within the context of humanitarian aid, we develop and carry out projects with the principle “Helping others to help themselves“. We want to help people living in poverty and distress, to eventually improve their situation by learning how to help themselves. With this mind, our main concern is particularly concentrated on the children.

We sincerely hope that we have aroused your interest in what we are doing and that you feel that you would also like to have a share in helping us to help where help is really needed.